Donations will be used to:
Build out the Colorado Bear Coalition Bear Kit, which will be offered to all communities and will include guides for setting up a local bear group, educational materials, and ready-to-use templates
Develop trash ordinances across the state
Cover travel expenses to present at conferences focused on human-bear conflict
Assist communities with purchasing and installing electric fencing
Provide community education workshops
Cover travel expenses to attend bi-monthly CPW Commissioner meetings to provide input on community efforts and solutions
Cover travel expenses to meet with wildlife managers, city officials and communities across the state to build out the infrastructure necessary to reduce human bear conflict
Develop social media outreach campaign to increase community awareness and local efforts
Develop monthly podcasts (“Bear All”) with a focus on understanding all sides of the human-bear conflict issue. The podcast will focus on the importance of dialogue as a way to bridge the gap that exists between wildlife advocate groups and wildlife management, livestock owners, agriculture and hunting communities. We aim to start an important conversation to find common ground and to increase respectful dialogue
Provide community workshops on how to communicate effectively with local and state officials to achieve nonlethal reduction in human bear conflict
Work with local universities to conduct surveys and monitor progress of CPW Community Grant recipients programs
Expand staffing to manage interns and volunteers
Develop fruit gleaming programs across the state
Table community events to increase community engagement